Full Title: INTER-EWING-1: International Clinical Research Programme to Improve Outcomes in Newly Diagnosed Ewing Sarcoma – Trial 1

Status: Active, Recruiting.

Age Range: 2 years. There is no maximum age.


  • Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool
  • Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge
  • Christie Hospital, Manchester
  • Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Manchester
  • Sheffield Children's Hospital, Sheffield
  • University College London Hospital, London

Trial Lead: Professor Bernadette Brennan

INTER-EWING-1 is an international clinical trial examining several new treatment strategies for Ewing sarcoma patient, including access to a novel agent (a multi tyrosine kinase inhibitor- regorafenib), optimising radiotherapy doses and evaluating the effect of “maintenance” chemotherapy at the end of treatment.

Patients aged 2 years are eligible to join this clinical trial. There is no specified maximum age.

For the chemotherapy questions, the objectives are to determine:
  • if outcomes for newly diagnosed metastatic Ewing sarcoma patients can be improved by the addition of regorafenib to the standard backbone chemotherapy VDC/IE when compared with VDC/IE alone (Randomisation A).
  • if the addition of 6 cycles of maintenance chemotherapy of vinorelbine and cyclophosphamide improves the outcome for patients. (Randomisation C). This is currently open to recruitment.
For the radiotherapy questions, the objectives are to determine:

  • whether dose escalation of radiotherapy improves the outcome in patients with inoperable disease (Randomisation B1).
  • which of the two post-operative radiotherapy doses following surgical resection of the primary tumour site will result in achieving optimal outcome (Randomisation B2)

Radiotherapy randomisations are due to open to recruitment in early 2025.

The study is funded by Cancer Research UK and sponsored by University of Birmingham through the Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit (CRCTU). The study is also facilitated by the EuroEwing Consortium and more information about the trial can be found on their website.

If you would like any more information on clinical trials in general, please contact us at The Bone Cancer Research Trust.

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