Lee Cook! The 38 year old will be turning a few heads on Sunday 23 April when he dons this snazzy costume....

Age? 38

Years running? 4 years (on and off).

Number of Marathons and Half Marathon run before? 2 x full marathons, 3 x half marathons.

Toughest run to date? London 2013 (my first!).

What inspired you to take on this challenge for us? This time I got a ballot place but wanted to help raise money for the Bone Cancer Research Trust again.

How is your training going? Badly. I am running a lot less than previous efforts. I have done 2 x 16 mile runs though.

And the obvious question....Why have you decided to run as the Cookie Monster?! Because I am an idiot. In all seriousness though, I am running the London Marathon in memory of my friend Lee Marklew. Back in December 2010, he was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma. This is a very aggressive form of cancer and it sadly took Lee's life in August 2012.

This is when I found out about The Bone Cancer Research Trust and I decided to run my first marathon. I would never have thought that I would ever run 26 miles but all the time I was just thinking that I am doing it for Lee and I didn’t want to let him down.

What are your favourite cookies?

Easy! Double chocolate chip.

How have you prepared for the challenge? I wear extra layers on training runs including a thick woolly hat. That said, I don't think you can ever really prepare for wearing a fancy dress suit and running 26 miles. I know what I have let myself in for this time but I am really looking forward to the day and being part of Team Bones once again.

To support Lee visit http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fun...