At just 13 years old Jess Gower was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Jess very sadly passed away, December 8th, 2010. Jess’s mum Shirley has shared with us why she takes part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon for Team Bones.

I run for Team Bones because of our beautiful daughter Jess. She was 13 years old when she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Even though it was diagnosed quite quickly compared to others it was already metastatic, very aggressive and resistant to current treatments. Jess died 16 months later just before Christmas 2010. She would have been 15 in the January. Our family and friends love taking part in this event. It has become something we can do together to remember Jess. I can’t tell you how much it breaks your heart to lose a child to bone cancer.

The level of support from the Bone Cancer Research Trust is second to none and I’m proud to run for a charity that puts the funds raised to such good use. I never thought I would be someone to run in a half marathon but ultimately, I do it for Jess. She is always in my heart.

Has Shirley inspired you?

If so, join her at the Royal Parks Half Marathon, October 13th 2019!