Four swimmers from the Chalfont Otters, Sadie, James, Zebina and Ben, will be attempting to swim the English Channel this September to raise life-saving funds for Liberty's Legacy.

Liberty was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma of her tibia, one of the rarer but very aggressive forms of primary bone cancer, on her 13th birthday in September 2016.

She had been struggling with intermittent pain in her lower left leg for over 20 months, particularly at night, which was unfortunately dismissed as growing pains and sports injuries during her numerous GP and hospital visits. By the time she was finally diagnosed, the tumour was already nearly 20cm and had burst through her bone into the surrounding soft tissue.

Liberty sadly passed away on October 11th 2017, just 2 weeks after her 14th birthday, a day that she was so determined to make. In her memory Liberty’s family set up Liberty’s Legacy, a Special Fund of the Bone Cancer Research Trust.

From a very young age Liberty was sports mad, with a particular passion for swimming at Chalfont Otters. Four swimmers from the club, Sadie, James, Zebina and Ben, will be attempting to swim the English Channel in a day between the 21st - 27th September 2020. Two of these swimmers, Sadie and Ben, were Liberty's primary school classmates and Sadie was lucky enough to be Liberty's best friend.

Mat Cottle-Shaw, Head of Fundraising and Communications, said:

We are incredibly grateful to Sadie, James, Zebina and Ben for taking on such a massive and incredible challenge. The amount these wonderful friends have already raised is simply outstanding and will make a huge difference to bone cancer patients and their families. With friends like Sadie, James, Zebina and Ben, Liberty will never be forgotten, and her legacy continues to help us work towards finding a cure for Ewing sarcoma.

You can support Sadie, James, Zebina and Ben by sponsoring them.

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Below we interviewed the team who are taking on this incredible challenge.

Sadie Lucas, age 16

How did you know Liberty?

Liberty and I were in the same class since year 3, and we instantly became friends on our first day of knowing each other. I was lucky enough to remain her best friend even when we went to separate schools in year 7 and continued to regularly see each other for sleepovers and losing our voices whilst singing to Ed Sheeran together. When I think of Liberty, I remember her contagious smile and how you could always rely on her to light up the room with her laugh, the countless memories we had together will always be treasured and will be grateful for every moment we shared with each other.

Why have you decided to raise funds for Liberty’s Legacy?

The reason why we decided to raise money for Liberty’s legacy is because it is a charity so close our hearts. Liberty's main wish was for other children, like herself, to not have to suffer like she did. I would like to raise awareness for her illness, her story to be shared, and her name to be remembered so people can be inspired by her, like many of us, and continue to raise money for this incredible cause.

What made you decide on this particular challenge?

I’ve been swimming my whole life and Zeb and I have been interested in swimming the channel for a while now. Liberty and I both used to do swimming lessons together at school, we both had so much fun together this is when we decided to join chalfont otters and 8 years later I’m still training and competing regularly. Once liberty passed away, I have always wanted to do a big challenge and raise as much money as possible, this is why I chose to swim the channel.

Is there anything you would like to say to your supporters and those that have already donated to your fundraising page?

I would like to say a massive thank you for all the support and we appreciate all the kind donations, they will all make a difference for this amazing cause. We have all received huge amounts of encouragement and I cannot wait to attempt this huge challenge and hopefully reach our fundraising goal. Libs I hope we make you proud! Thank you.

Ben Jackson, age 16

How did you know Liberty?

Liberty was one of my closest friends in my primary school, I remember countless memories with her that will stay with me forever, she was kind, selfless and the happiest person I knew, and when I was ever feeling down she would always be the first person to make sure I was ok.

Why have you decided to raise funds for Liberty’s Legacy?

Even through her fight, Liberty would always be concerned about other people’s feelings above her own which was one of the reasons why Liberty’s Legacy was created. Liberty didn’t want other children to go through what she had, and she wanted to spread awareness for Ewing sarcoma which had treatments which were decades old. These are the reasons why I have decided to raise funds for Liberty’s Legacy and also for her name and her personality to be remembered.

What made you decide on this particular challenge?

Liberty and her best friend Sadie were the two people who introduced me to the swimming club Chalfont Otters which ultimately led to us sharing a passion for swimming. Some of my best memories with Liberty were in the training sessions when we just couldn’t stop laughing. I have chosen to swim the channel because that’s when I feel closest to Liberty and I know that she will be with us the whole way across giving us the strength to swim.

Is there anything you would like to say to your supporters and those that have already donated to your fundraising page?

I want to say a massive thank you, because you have donated to such an amazing cause and have also given us the opportunity to be able to take on this challenge in memory of my friend. Thank you.

Zebina George, age 17

How did you know Liberty?

Liberty was a member of Chalfont Otters swimming club, for which I have been swimming with for around 5 years. I didn’t know Liberty very well as we were in different squads but I have, like many people, been inspired by her story.

Why have you decided to raise funds for Liberty’s Legacy?

Through being a member of Chalfont Otters, who have spread awareness of Liberty’s Legacy through fundraisers and events such as presentation evening, I have learnt about the successes and importance of the charity.

What made you decide on this particular challenge?

I have been swimming for as long as I can remember. Me and Sadie came across the fact that a channel swim even existed quite a while ago and immediately looked into the procedure. It will be an amazing, unique experience and a huge accomplishment that I cannot wait to complete.

Is there anything you would like to say to your supporters and those that have already donated to your fundraising page?

Thank you for the huge amount of support and encouragement we have all received. I cannot think of a better cause for the donations. The biggest achievement of the channel swim for me will be the money raised for such a great charity.

James McClenn, age 18

How did you know Liberty?

I knew liberty from Chalfont otters a few years ago but mainly from the fact I’m friends with her friend Sadie Lucas.

Why have you decided to raise funds for Liberty’s Legacy?

So many people have had the struggle Liberty went through and it’s important to me that I can say I’ve done everything I can do help get rid of cancer.

What made you decide on this particular challenge?

I’m a swimmer so it seemed the most logical thing to do, it’s also something I never thought I’d be able to do which makes it all the more challenging. If people with cancer go through so much then I’m sure that this is nothing compared to what they go through.

Is there anything you would like to say to your supporters and those that have already donated to your fundraising page?

I appreciate all the donations no matter what the amount, just trying to make an impact no matter what size will help greatly.

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